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VOL. XXXVI,, No. 18
Price $1.50 Per Year. ARLINGTON,
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1924. Consolidated With Arlington Chronicle, April 3, t915.
Mr• Martin Holds That It Would Result in Making Up Large
Deficit by Special Local Levies, Would Largely Reduce
State and County Aid to Education and Place Our School
Financing Back Where It Was Thirty Years Ago.
(By W. F. MARTIN, Supt. of Arl-
ington Schools)
Editor Arlington Times:
Applying the discussion of the
40-mill tax limit bill to the Arl-
ington Consolidated District, you
will find the following conditions:
1923 Proposed
Levy Limit
State tax .. 14.4 mills 5 Mills
County tax 20.7 mills 10 Mills
Town tax .14.0 mills 15 Mills
School tax 20.1 mills 10 Mills
Total ...69.2 mills 40 Mills
This bill would cause a reduc-
tion of approximately 30 mills, or
about three-sevenths of the pres-
ent income of the district. The
estimated taxable income for next
year is $88,000. Take away three-
sevenths which is $37,700 approx-
imately, and how is the district
going to support her present ex-
cellent system of schools? Or put
it in another way: Our schools
are supported by taxes from three
sources--the state, the county and
the school district. Last year the
state levied six mills for the pub-
lic schools and the portion for our
schools was approximately $35,-
000. Problem: When the state levy
is cut from 14.4 mills to 5 mills
how many mils will be levied for
the schools and how much will
the Arlington District get? The
county levied last year for the
support of the schools 4.7 mills
and our district received in round
numbers, from the county, $18,-
000. When the county levy is re-
duced from the present levy of
20.7 mills to 10, guess how many
mills will be evied for the
schools and how much this dis-
tict will:xecei,ve. Also when our
" : ''/eI'sehb01 dlstrict levy is re-
her support from other sources
than local taxes, it is probable
that the special tax would equal
the saving by the 40-mill bill and
we would be where we started.
More likely we would be several
laps behind.
A week ago, in answer to the
editor's query, "Where are you
going to get the money?" the Pub-
licity Director of the 40-Mill Bill,
in the Arlington Times, stated as
follows :
"If our taxes are distributed
over all the wealth of the State of
Washington, as is being done in
other states of the Union, our tax
rate can be reduced to 30 mills
and we still have more money to
run the Government and our
schools than we have at the pres-
ent time. Doesn't that answer
yodr question?"
In another paragraph he says:
"Every effort has been exerted
to obtain relief in the Legislature,
but domination by certain influ-
ences makes it impossible. Now
we folks have taken this thing in
our own hands and we are telling
the Legislature that all the tax
they can place upon our real and
personal property is 40 mills, and
they will have to go elsewhere to
get the rest of it."
Thus the proponents of this
bill expect to create a deficit, and
in glittering generalities say what
may, or possibly can be done. A
legislature which they" admit
could not be influenced hereto*
fore shall now carry out their
program. In other words, the law
is to be passed in November and
in January the horse is to be led
to water. But will he drink?-If
not, the true answer to "How Will
you get the money, so far as the
The Freshman mixer at the
High School Friday evening was
the scene of some real Hi Jinks.
Laughter, fun and pranks were in
order. Staid alumni, sedate Se-
niors, studious Juniors and su-
perior Sophomores joined togeth-
er to do the real thing by the
Freshmen. The initiation or mix-
ing process was carried out with-
out a hitch. Such formalities as
walking the plank, shaking hands
with the president caused the
Freshmen to blush a bright car-
nation red; but the ancient rite
of finding their shoes caused the
most excitement and laughter. To
Earl Van Zandt went the honor of
receiving first "prize. His come-
back was a surprise.
The eventful evening was con-
cluded with refreshments served
by the Juniors.
The semi-annual convention of
Dist. 2, Knights of Pythias, will
be held this evening with Arling-
ton Lodge No. 146. Large delega-
tions are expected from Everett,
Lowell, Snohomish and Lake Stev-
ens. The meeting, which will be
held in Robertson's hall, will be
devoted largely to a discussion of
measures to come before the
Grand Lodge which meets at
Aberdeen next Tuesday and Wed-
nesday. A supper will be served
at the conclusion of the session.
W. T. Dilley will attend the
Grand Lodge as the local repre-
Following are S(!interesting
facts concerning t rcumavia-
tion of the globe three U.
S. Army planes wl!i.nded their
flight at Seattle hday, Sept.
28, 1924 :
Number of planes ....4
Number endin ...2
Number of
Type df [
•.. Special
Maximum crl
auxiliary tanks .
Type of engine us
..... 400 h. p.
Total-of engines each
plane ...... 7
Left Seattle...
8:3o a. "00'i;24
Returned to
1:36-4o •"i924
Flyers ..... 8
Flyers ending ..... 6
............ 25
Major Ma " 30
......... ;.: ;ii
Major Martin hear May 10
Lieut. Wade's plari ked..
.............. gustl 3
Lieut. Wade rejot t ...
• ..Pictou Hat Scotia
mileage, st 27,534
Loniest flight; to
Paramashiru miles
Elapsed time .... 175 days
Days actuall 66
Actual fl min.
Number of flights
made ..... 76
Arerage .. 483
Average speed . p.h.
Gasoline col ..
Average of
oil, per
Oil consumed
Names of
Through the officers of the
State Chamber of Commerce a
meeting has been scheduled here
for Tuesday dzening, October 6,
w)aen representatives of that
body will discuss initiative and
referendum measures bearing on
taxation. H. P. Todd will discuss
the above measures in general
while Judge John C. Denney will
devote special attention to Initia-
tive No. 50, the 40-mill tax limit
The meeting will be held at the
Commercial Club rooms at 8 p. m.,
and all voters, both men and wo-
men, are invited to attend.
S. F. Donnell, Arlington Ford
dealer, has adopted the motto,
"Everything, a place for every-
thing and everything in its place"
In order to make good t-his pro-
gram he has just installed fifteen
Berloy steel cabinets in which
some 1500 Ford parts are stored
in separate compartments, each
labeled with a number correspond-
ing to that in the Ford catalogue.
The articles range from a cotter
pin to a complete motor. In fact
you could go to these cabinets
and pick out practically all the
component parts a complete car
body excepted.
Mr. Donnell has further im-
proved his garage by redecorating
the show room and placing a
glass-panneled ceiling in the of-
fice to admit light and at the
same time make it snug in cold
A six-foot raise in the Stilla-
guamish river Wednesday result-
ed in the washing out of the two
center bents in the temporary
bridge which has served as a de-
tour during construction of the
new Huller bridge. The structure
withstood the swift current until
about noon when a jam of shingle
bolts and drift which had formed
against the false-work of the new
span suddenly broke away and
struck the temporary bridge with
such force as to carry away the
two center bents supporting about
sixty feet of the roadway, and
badly twisting another of the
About half the false work un-
der the Huller span went out but
this did not effect the new bridge
as the blocks had been removed
disconnecting it from the false
work which was left in place to
facilitate removal of the wooden
forms under the concrete deck
inD. In case of the Lincoln bridge
practically all the false work had
been removed before the freshet.
May Plank New Span and Permit
Its Use
County Engineer Ross D. A1-
verson is expected here today to
decide on steps to be taken to
handle traffic. The two available
alternatives are to either repair
the temporary bridge or to place
a false plank deck on the new
span and allow its use. The con-
crete deck has been in place only
a little over a week, but being
heavily reinforced some engineer-
ing opinion holds that it would
not be injured by light traffic if
a plank deck on a sand cushion is
provided. Heavy loads would not
be permitted until concrete is
fully set.
In any event it is quite certain
that the road will be closed for a
week and in the mean time school
pupils from the Bryant district
will be hauled to the river and
then walk to school, crossing the
new bridge which has a walkway
for pedestrains.
Luncoln Bridge Ready for Deck
The Lincoln span is ready for
the pouring of the concrete- "deck-
ing, the reinforcing steel l)eing
in place. This work will be done
by Ole Reinseth as soon a the
rain ceases.
Mr. Reinseth has also been
awarded the contract for laying
of about 200 feet of concrete pav-
ing from the present paved road
to the west approach. County En-
gineers set the grade stakes for
this Wednesday and the work
will be executed as soon as the
bridge deck is completed.
The steel work on the two
bridges is entirely completed, the
crew leaving yesterday. The only
work remaining is the decking
and painting, the latter inclu(lilg
two coats on each span.
Shingle Company Loses Bolts
The sudden freshet caught the
Arlington Shingle Co. with a
drive of about 200 cords of
shingle bolts on the way down
from Jim creek. Owing to accum-
ulation of drift their boom broke
and they lost about 100 cords of
bolts, the monetary loss being
about $1,000.
C. D. 12orsbeck, bridge inspect-
or for the county, states that two
or three spans of the Hatt Slough
temporary bridge went out Wed-
nesday also.
The river fell about three feet
by Thursday noon and then start-
ed to raise again but not to an
alarming extent.
there? But this is not enough• We
receive from outside districts
about $5,000 for the attendance of
their high school pupils• The bill
wipes this entirely out. After the
law passes, outside pupils may
still attend at our high school and
we can whistle.
However, there is one saving
clause in this-bill. Its makers an-
ticipated that it might create fi-
nancial embarrassment in some
quarters, and so they provided
that by a three-fifths vote any
county, city, town or school dis-
trict might make up any deficit
by special levy. There is no limit
to this levy. Hence the people of
each school district-who wished
.to maintain the standard of their
schools would have the privilege
of voting upon themselves the
losses from state, county and oth-
er funds. Since the Arlington
Consolidated District, because of
bonuses and outside .attendance,
draws more than two-thirds of
special levy•" In that case our
school support will be back where
it was thirty year ago with a
minimum of state and county' aid.
Passing this bill would be like
pulling out the foundations of a
house and letting it hang in the
air for two months until your
contractor came along, who hav-
ing been obstreperous before,
might put in a new foundation
and again might decide to let it
hang. It would be a leap in the
dark not knowing where you are
going.to land.
If the bill had been specially
designed to muddle our financial
affairs in state, county and school
districts it could not have been
drawn better. Should it pass and
force tax revision upon a reluc-
tant legislature it may give rise
to hasty or ill-considered and un-
wise legislation that may have
harmful effects for years. It is
a splendid example of how not to
undertake tax revision.
Charles Ball and Sam Price
are back with us again and are
working with Stimpson Lumber
Co. Lowell Browers has also
taken back his place as fireman on
the "Lucy."
A delightful birthday party was
enjoyed last Wednesday night at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dons-
hue, it being the twenty-first
birthday of their daughter, Mary.
Those present were John, Elms
and Louise Shannon, Bert Oberg,
Clayton Ruthruff, Harry McDon-
ald, Selmer Fingarson, Earl Doll,
Ralph Pratt, Vernon Bertilson,
Edna Lilleoren, Jane Jacobs and
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ingeseth, all
of Arlington; Michael and Anita
Anthony, Lucille and Carmel Pom-
pella, Albert and Eugene Dona-
hue and the hostess, Miss Maw
Donahue. Games and dancing
were enjoyed until 11:30 then
supper was served. As the musi-
cians were not yet tired of play-
ing the dancing began again and
continued until the early hour of
2"30 a. m.
Mr. R. M. Thomas left last
Wednesday for a trip to the East
He is going to visit with relatives
and will return home in about
three weeks.
Mrs. Duzan and children,
James and Betty, have moved to
McMuri'ay, where Mrs. Duzan is
employed at the Severson camp.
James Irving is back and has
rented the house previously occu-
pied by George Mohler, the lat-
ter having moved to a ranch just
east of Bryant.
One of the outstanding grid-
iron. events of the season among
Prep schools will be the contest
at the Everett Athletic field Sat-
urday at 2:30 between the Arling-
tonHi. Gladiators and Coach
Kempkes' eleven•
A big crowd of Arlington stu-
dents and fans will accompany
the team, a block of 400 tickets
having been sent here for sale.
Tickets at 75 cents each may be
secured at Mansfield's or lowl-
er's. Students tickets are on sale
at the High School at 35 cents
The game will be refereed by
Bobble Morris. Mr. Milliken will
be umpire and Reesburg head
The work of constructing Arl-
ington's new water filtration sys-
tem was inaugurated Monday by
the California Filter Co. through
a sub-contract let to L. Farlner
of Anacortes. Several teams are
employed excavating the site at
corner Railroad avenue west and
Huller street. The structure will
be of reinforced concrete.
opening of the two new steel
spans at this place be signalized
by appropriate exercises. The
suggestion has met with favor as
it is felt that the importance of
the improvement makes its com-
pletion worthy of more than pass-
ing interest.
The matter will be taken up by
the Commercial Club at its next
meeting and doubtless some such
function will be arranged. The
two spans will be ready for traf-
fic about November 1st.
At a meeting of the official
board of the M.E. Church held
Tuesday the budget for the com-
ing year was fixed at $2,000, of
which $1,500 represents the past-
or's salary.
Sunday SchooLpfficers were
chosen as follo Supt., Mrs.
Ella Lown; Assistant Supt., C. L.
Gladson; Secy•, C. M. McCaulley;
Treas., Bertha Benedict; Pianist,
Lulu Baker.; Librarian, Evelyn
Lieut. L. P. Arnold
...... Chicago, completed flight
Lieut. Leigh Wade
Lieut. H. H. Ogden
...... Boston I., lost August 3
(Boston II, completed flight)
Lieut. Erik Nelson
Lieut• Jack Harding
New Orleans, completed flight
Countries visited :
Canada (British Columbia),
Alaska, Aleutian Islands, Kurile
Islands, Soviet Russia, Japan,
China, French Indo-China, Siam,
Burma, India, Persia, Syria, Tur-
key, Hungary, Rumania, Austria,
France, England, Scotland, Ice-
land, Greenland, Labrador, Can-
ada (Nova Scotia).
A reception will be tendered to
Rev. and Mrs. Robert H. Allen
by the members and friends of
the M. E. Church at the Twin City
Hotel Friday evening. The pro-
gram will include music, short
addresses and other exercises.
i, , i i _ . j _ , i , i .
Rally Day Services in Congrega.
tional Church Will Feature
Musical Programs by Two
Choirs and Noted Baritone So-
loist, Who Will Be Heard in
Three Numbers.
Professor Philip K. Hillstrom,
the noted baritone soloist, will be
heard in three numbers at the
Congregational Church Sunday
evening,. Rally Day will be observ.
ed by special musical programs in
the morning service at 11 o'clock
and in the evening at 7:30.
In the morning service three
anthems will be rendered by the
Girls' Choir, under the direction
of Miss Talitha Ensley. An adult
choir, under the direction of Mr.
Hillstrom, will sing in'the even-
ing, when the girls' chorus will
also be heard. Parents are invited
to bring their little ones for
Christian baptism to the 11
o'clock service. The program fol-
lows : "
The Gloria.
Qeneral Thanksgiving.
Hymn: "How Firm a Founda-
Scripture Reading.
Anthem, "As the Hart Panteth"
Pastoral Prayer.
Anthem: "Praise the Lord, All
Ye Nations," (Creswell).
Hymn: "Ah, For a Closer Walk
With God."
Sermon- "The Call of the Deep."
Hymn: "Come, Thou Almighty
Responsive Reading and The
Solo: "My New Name," (Mac-
Scripture Reading.
Anthem: "Awakening Chorus"
Solo: "The Voice in the Wil-
derness" (Scott).
Anthem: "I Will Praise Thee,
O Lord," (Pearls).
Anthem: "Hallelujah For the
Cross," (McGranahan).
Solo: "Fear Not Ye, O Israel"
Hymn: "All Hail the Power."
Sermon: "Christ Our Suffici-
Hymn: "The Son of God Goes
Forth to War."
Silvana -- The Girls' Society
meets at the home of Mrs. Rygg
Saturday, Oct. 4, 2 p. m.
Services for Sunday, the 5th:
Sunday school at 10 a. m.; ser-
mon in Norwegian language at 11
a. m.; Young People's meeting at
8 p. m. The Young People of the
Fir church will be guests at the
Lakewood--Services on Sunday
m the Norwegian language a
2:15. Young People's meeting Fri-
day, Oct• 10, 8 p. m.
Arlington- The Ladies' Aid
meete at the church parlor Thurs-
day, the 9th, 2 p• m. Mi-s. Fritz
Johnson and Mrs. Hamilton will
We extend a cordial invitation
to attend any and all of our ser-
vices. H.B. WOGTER, Pastor.
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. David G. Bis-
son and daughter, of Bremerton,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. F.
Madsen over the week end,
n a m8 ent from
Camp Perry, Ohio, October 30th,
A. C. Morgan. captain of the
Washington Civilian rifle team,
says :
"Johnson, Morgan, Nicks all in
President's '100'12th, 18th and
51st respectively, Guard team
very strong; Civilian team may
finish high. Morgan in Interna-
tional Dewar team which beat
British with world record. Nicks
finishing strong;
"National team match Wednes-
day and Thursday closes events.
Hope to win letters after matches.
The above information *clearly
shows that the Arlington Rifle
club has won a very unu,:::ual dis-
tinction by placing three of its
members in the first 100 out of
1200 of the best military and
civilian rifle shots in the United
States a very unusual honor for
a small club, probably not dupli-
cated in the history of the na-
tional matches.
In a letter o D. J. Nicks dat-
ed Sept. 21, Virgil Nicks, a mem-
ber of the team says:
"We are suffering with the
heat todayone of those sultry
days. There is a thunder shower
off in the distance; somtd, like
heavy, artillery.
"Finished our first team match
esterday, the Herrick Trophy, 15
shots for record a 800,,900 and
1,000 yards. Finished about third
place among civilian teams. Jack
Johnson (of the Guard team) got
74 at 1000, 73 at 900 and 74 at
800, or 221 out of a possible 225.
You will see our best man scored
Team Standing
1. Walker of Yakima ........ 215
2 Morgan of Arlington ...... 213
3 Longstaff of Seattle ...... 208
4 Munson of Bellingham .... 207
5 Nicks of Arlington ....... 205
60'Hara of Bellingham .... 204
7 Hoagen of Vancouver .... 200
8 Bentler of Yakima ........ 187
Aggt (possible 1800) ....... 1639
Alternates: Welds of Everett,
Stots of Waitsburg, Sl'.enc.er of
The members of the team ex-
pect to leave for home October
3rd, Mr. Nicks planning to stop
off for a visit with relatives at
Richland Center. Wise., ar:d in
Mrs. Ethel M. Higley ad twin
daughters, Marie and Mercia, of
Union Springs, N. Y.. recetly ar-
rived in town and will make their
future home at Arlington. Mrs.
Higley is a sister of Attorney A.
M. Wendell. She has accepted the
position of head Modiste at Mrs.
Wendell's Variety Store.